How are you? I hope you are reach home safely and doing well.
Shi Qing and I had a lot of fun with you during the visit to Petaling Street and had a nice chat with Minke and Greg during we had dinner at Purple Cane restaurant. Thanks for shared with us the Australia travel info and the info are very helpful.
We miss you all very much and hope one day we can have a meet again.
Here I attached to you are the photos that we took at Center Market, Petaling Street and Purple Cane restaurant. Check them out.
Greg, Minke, Joseine, Jasper and Mats
Dinner with Greg and Minke family at Purple Cane Restaurant
Mats and I ( Mats is a cute boy...miss him so much)
Check out the below link so you can briefly know what drink you had at Petaling Street.
Air Mata Kucing = Dragon eyes drink
Please take care and May God bless you.
Wee Yan